It’s a dog eat dog world and these
bitches have no muzzles on!...
Mother of two Esther
Wilson tries to get through to her daughter Tammy that singing really isn’t the
best career to be heading for, especially when there are check-out vacancy’s
going at the local branch of Freezeland's but Tammy’s heart is set for the
Sasha’s bad
influence on poor Tanya Fisher continues as she persuades her to come out
clubbing. Sasha steals her money in the night club and makes her buy drinks all
night. When Tanya gets home, her so-called Nan Deirdre beats her with her
walking stick.
The very next day Sasha steals Tanya’s job at the local convenience store, twisting the truth and telling the boss Neil Duncan, that Tanya smokes cannabis.
Before Deirdre goes to call the Council to unblock the drains, Tanya confesses to killing Bill. Jansam Fin and one of Carmel’s heavies Lucas arrive at Hair Flair both mistaking Louise for Cheryl and take her to Carmel’s place. Sasha is arrested and sent to a young offender’s institute. Louise tries to make a run for it and is shot dead by Lucas. Carmel turns up at the house whilst Jansam and Lucas are arguing over the money they have been stealing from Carmel, she over hears and a fight between Jansam and Carmel takes place and ends with Carmel in a heap on the floor, after Jansam makes use of her skills in martial arts. Janet tells Maria, that Sam is marrying her in Stapleton tomorrow. They both cuddle and kiss, but the kiss continues a bit too long. Deirdre cooks the first ever meal for Tanya and Ross, after asking how good it tasted, she reveals to Tanya it was Bill, with a splash of white wine and she plans on regular helpings of him to polish off the stocked up freezer, full of his body parts. At the Manor Cheryl has been nursing a very sick Matthew and heads down to the dining room for a night cap, a catfight ensues as Carmel has broken in and waiting for Cheryl helping herself to a bottle of champagne.
The very next day Sasha steals Tanya’s job at the local convenience store, twisting the truth and telling the boss Neil Duncan, that Tanya smokes cannabis.
Janet is scared
about the cancer tests. Her husband Sam can’t hold back any longer and tells
her he wants to marry her, which totally overwhelms her.
Thornton-Heath is speeding along in her jeep and accidentally runs Cheryl Hamilton
over, in a panic she drives off leaving Cheryl to die. Maria Welsh morns over the murder of her best friend Kathy
Tammy Wilson gets
a grilling from her parents Esther and Mike, when they realise that Tammy’s
goals of reaching fame have reached the next level. She has been secretly gathering
information on the auditions that are coming up for the TV programme ‘Bone
Idol’ and plans on going.
An unidentified
flying object hovers over Thatch Close!
Sasha makes
herself shine in Peta’s eyes, when Peta finds Sasha settled into her new job at the convenience store. A giant spider arrives in Thatch Close,
who will be the first to meet their fate! Could it be true that this rare
species has a powerful venom which can actually cure cancer?
Jason, Kathy Collin’s ex-husband and now a prison
escapee, believes Kathy has left million’s in her bank account, he breaks in
and holds Maria hostage. Janet is the first victim to come face to face with
the giant spider, which sinks its fangs deep into her neck. Tammy is upset that her family is not taking her seriously. Sam thinks
Janet’s medication is to blame for her thinking that a giant spider has
attacked her.
Maria turns the
tables around on Jason, when she gets fed up with playing the victim and being
held hostage for so long. The Giant
spider enters the Fisher’s home. Tanya gets so high on cannabis, topped up with
all of Deirdre’s wine that Sasha keeps pouring, she comes face to face with the
giant spider in the kitchen, but mistakes it for The Wilson’s dog Spocky and
gives it a pat on the back.
Maria visits
Cheryl Hamilton at the hospital, who confides in Maria about her past. She once
had charmed life with her husband George, who worked overseas. Cheryl’s butler
Benson had secretly been having an affair with her husband George, who had
recently died in a tragic accident. When the tractor he was driving on his
grape farm, toppled over on top of him. Benson had inherited George’s house where
Benson looked after Cheryl and he had become tired of Cheryl’s rules and threw
her out, eventually selling the property to the village chairman’s wife Carmel
Peta finds out
that Sasha’s been robbing her blind. Tammy has run away and Esther realises she
should have paid more attention to Tammy’s needs. Returning home, Deirdre
freaks out when she comes face to face with the Spider. Deirdre screams and
calls for Tanya before stabbing the creature in the head with her walking
stick. At that moment, Janet, Esther, Mike and Tanya come piling into the house
hoping to win an award for the capture of the wanted amazing species. Deirdre
has put paid to any further speculation as it flakes out dead on the carpet in
front of them. Green slime leaks out of its body and Tanya is still convinced
that the heap of black hairy legs and green slime is still the Wilson’s dog. “You’ve
killed Spocky!”
Deirdre has
offered to have her friend Bill over whilst Deirdre gets him to fix the lock on
the door of her shed. The door slams shut on them and they are locked in
together. Bill uses the opportunity to push Deirdre into coming clean about the
skeletons she's kept in the cupboard…
Back in the
forties, Derrick Malcolm Fisher decided that after all his school days of being
bullied, he wanted to become a woman in the hope that he could leave Derrick in
the past. He started by changing his name to Deirdre Margaret Fisher and grew
his hair long. Deirdre later came across a surgeon that offered her back street
fake boob surgery. It wasn’t heard of back then and Deirdre thought it was the
perfect chance to really say goodbye to the awful life she once had as Derrick.
Deirdre had further plans to one day get her penis chopped off and complete the
As ten miserable
years drifted on, Deirdre realised she still was no happier in her bitter and
sad existence. She felt the boob job she had all those years back had not got
rid of her demons. Deirdre felt uncomfortable and disgusted with herself, having
the top part completed, but still no change downstairs. Deirdre had been living
in Thatch Close for over ten years, she was one of the first to move into the
close when the new houses were originally built on old farm land. Over the
years Deirdre had invested in a dozen different styled wigs to try to get the
right feel for being a woman. However, the neighbours would laugh and make fun
of her. She would often not come out of the house for days on end and have her
curtains drawn. One day she finally had
a glimpse of hope in her sad life and found a young girl hiding in her shed for
shelter in her back garden.
The girls name was
May and Deirdre took her under her wing and put her up in her house. As time
went on, although May tried to find work and a flat, she had a drug addiction
and couldn’t cope. Deirdre had taken a shine to May and for the first time
Deirdre was able to open up about her terrible past. The neighbours took
offence at Deirdre due to the fact that she was far too old to be seen in a relationship
with May. May had just turned 18 at the time, so they branded Deirdre a pervert.
Deirdre and May had
numerous rows following the revelation that May was pregnant. When May was in
her early twenties, they both made a mistake and a drunken evening became
intimate, leading to May becoming pregnant. The day after the birth, May left
her baby girl on the doorstep for Deirdre to look after. She had failed as a
mother and run away.
Cheryl plans to
open a hair salon in the village and wants to employ her new friend, Janice who
she recently met at 'Lush Women Anonymous' group held in the village. Cheryl had
learnt to crack her habit with the
drink and leave it in the past.
Tammy’s song is played
on all the radio stations. Sam proposes to Janet with an engagement ring. New
debt ridden residents of Thatch Close Kevin and Seb discuss their financial
situation. To make matters worse, Kevin’s psychotic Aunty Betty has found their
new address already.
Carmel’s butler
Mateo starts suspecting that Carmel is into shady deals, but Carmel has taken
note of his suspicious behaviour. Sasha goes a step too far and blackmails Peta,
accusing her and Teresa 'Milk Woman' Melish of having tried to rape her. Peta
tells her to leave at once. Whilst Peta’s at work, Sasha decides to leave, but
not before stealing some more cash and as a going away present she sets the
place on fire! Teresa is trapped in the bedroom and engulfed in smoke.
Peta is later abducted
by aliens in a U.F.O as she heads for home. Carmel’s
side-kick is Jansam Fin, who works as the manager of Carmel’s massage parlour.
She arrives and tells Carmel how two of their most popular girls have escaped
and taken all the wages from the safe. Whilst
Deirdre’s out, Bill tries it on with Tanya at the kitchen sink. Tanya fights
him off, whacking him over the head with a saucepan. Tanya panics, thinking she
has killed him. She wraps his body in black bin bags and lays him out on the
kitchen floor.
Kevin tells his
boyfriend Seb of his outrageous plan to rob the bank in Stapleton. Minutes later
Tanya has a shovel at the ready to bury Bill in the back garden. She turns her
back on Bill as he regains consciousness and attempts to sit up. Tanya is
frantic, pacing around the place with the shovel in her hand. As she turns, she
smacks him over the head with it, which finishes him off for good.
Louise Franklin
has come to stay with Maria. Louise tells her how she plans to get her crook of
a husband Peter out of prison. On
the opening party of ‘Hair Flair’, Cheryl’s new salon, Cheryl meets Matthew
Thornton the chairman of Stapleton and they become instantly attracted to
each other.
Carmel finds
Mateo’s secret diary with all the notes he has been making on Carmel and
Jansam’s meetings. Tanya confides in her
boyfriend Ross about killing Bill. Ross is going to stick by her and thinks of
plan of how to get rid of the body. Jansam is assigned to dispose of Mateo,
which she does successfully. When Inspector PC Plank starts to investigate the
disappearance of Peta Letchford and Mike Wilson, Tammy starts warning everyone
that aliens are about to take over Stapleton and claims that they have abducted
her father. Kevin and Seb start to rehearse the bank raid in drag as a disguise!
Carmel goes to
have her hair done at the salon and for the first time she bumps into Cheryl.
Cheryl gets a flash-back of the day Carmel ran her down, but Carmel rushes out
of the shop. Louise Franklin frames
Maria Welsh for Peta’s disappearance, when PC plank questions her at Maria’s.
Janice is working
at the salon and for her own entertainment Sasha throws a plant pot directly
through the shop window at her. The pot hits Janice on the side of the head,
killing her instantly. Maria is being held at the police house in a holding
cell, interrogated by PC Plank over Peta. Seb and Kevin have broken into the
house and lure PC Plank to his death. Not knowing Maria is still stuck in the
holding cell they leave the place, having rigged an explosive to ignite a fire
to get rid of the evidence. Maria manages to climb up to a small window to
escape the building, which is engulfed in flames.
Meanwhile Seb and Kevin
have forced their way into the bank and come sailing down on a rope from the
windows they have smashed on the roof. Sasha speeds along on a quad bike she
has stolen, she spots Deirdre who is heading home with her shopping, and tries
to run her over, Deirdre stumbles into a nearby bush.
Cheryl has dinner
with Matthew at the Manor House where he explains that he has a brain tumour.
Carmel is onto Cheryl and starts laying down plans to get rid of her. Bill’s
decomposing body starts to smell, but Tanya manages to convince Deirdre that
the drains are blocked at the back of the house. Deirdre then finds Sasha,
trying to hide her new stolen quad bike in her shed, where she’s been hiding
A drunken Maria decides
to chop all of Louise’s hair off at the salon once she has fallen asleep after
a glass of wine. Cheryl starts to realise that falling in love with Matthew has
come at a price. Deirdre breaks into Neil’s shop and has plans to set Sasha up.
Tammy has a few words of wisdom to tell to Deirdre before she leaves to get to
work on her album in the city. Both Esther and Tommy are abducted by the aliens,
but Esther puts up a bit of a struggle.
Before Deirdre goes to call the Council to unblock the drains, Tanya confesses to killing Bill. Jansam Fin and one of Carmel’s heavies Lucas arrive at Hair Flair both mistaking Louise for Cheryl and take her to Carmel’s place. Sasha is arrested and sent to a young offender’s institute. Louise tries to make a run for it and is shot dead by Lucas. Carmel turns up at the house whilst Jansam and Lucas are arguing over the money they have been stealing from Carmel, she over hears and a fight between Jansam and Carmel takes place and ends with Carmel in a heap on the floor, after Jansam makes use of her skills in martial arts. Janet tells Maria, that Sam is marrying her in Stapleton tomorrow. They both cuddle and kiss, but the kiss continues a bit too long. Deirdre cooks the first ever meal for Tanya and Ross, after asking how good it tasted, she reveals to Tanya it was Bill, with a splash of white wine and she plans on regular helpings of him to polish off the stocked up freezer, full of his body parts. At the Manor Cheryl has been nursing a very sick Matthew and heads down to the dining room for a night cap, a catfight ensues as Carmel has broken in and waiting for Cheryl helping herself to a bottle of champagne.
A storm brews over
Stapleton and Deirdre has a surprise guest, it’s May who has turned up to take
Tanya home with her, after all those years. Deirdre tries to take control over the
situation but Tanya speaks up and tells her that she wants to go and stay with
her. Deirdre’s heart is broken, thinking Tanya would never leave her and begs
Tanya not to go. Tanya is torn between them both. Eventually they leave Deirdre
who takes to the bottle, which sends her into an epileptic fit and she foams at
the mouth, collapsing on the floor.
Back at the Manor,
its game set and match! But not before a few selected words and a rather
dramatic entrance from Cheryl, who has changed into a ball gown for the
showdown that is about to commence. Both will stop at nothing; it’s a dog eat
dog world and these bitches have no muzzles on.
After trashing
various rooms they meet each other on the balcony at the top of the stairs,
where Cheryl finds the rooms on the landing all locked. They throw each other
around like drag dolls up against the balcony banister, which suddenly brakes
and gives way. Cheryl falls over the side and ends up in a pool of water in the
water feature at the entrance hall. Maria saves the day and has climbed through
the dining room window. Once inside she creeps up to Carmel and makes her wear
a picture frame around her neck, when she smashes it over her head, Carmel
struggles to free herself from the picture frame, as Maria trips her up at the
top of the grand stair case, sending her head over heels right down to the
bottom. A loud cracking sound is heard as Carmel’s head hits the hard wooden
It's a dog eat dog world and these bitches have no muzzles on!
Bill Yates in the bin bags
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